Abstract Syntax¶
Con (c) ⟶ (named constructors)
Var (n) ⟶ (named variables)
Type (τ,k,σ)
::= TyCon (type constructors)
| Var (type variables)
| 'λ' Var ':' Type '.' Type (type abstraction)
| Type Type (type application)
TyCon ::= Con (primitive type constructors)
| 'Data' | 'Effect' | 'Region' (basic kind constructors)
| '(→)' | 'Unit' | 'Void' (basic data type constructors)
| 'Read' | 'Write' | 'Alloc' (basic effect type constructors)
| '⋁' Type Nat (least upper bound of types)
| '⊥' Type (least element of a type)
| '∀' Type (universal quantification)
The basic kind constructors are Data
, Effect
and Region
for the kind of data, effect and region type respectively. The function type constructor (→)
is usally written infix in sugared presentations. The Unit
type classifies a set of values with the single element ()
. The Void
type classifies the empty set.
The ⋁
type constructor is used to express type sums, where ⊥
is an empty sum. Both are annotated with the kind of their result types.
The quantifier constructor ∀
is annotated with the kind of its result type.
Syntactic Sugar¶
t1 → t2 ≡ (→) t1 t2
t1 + t2 ≡ ⋁ k 2 t1 t2
t1 + t2 + t3 ≡ ⋁ k 3 t1 t2 t3
⊥ ≡ ⊥ k
∀ n : k. t ≡ (∀ k) (λ n : k. t)
The function type constructor (→)
is usually written infix.
When the kind is clear from context we use the infix (+)
operator to express type sums.
When the kind is clear from context, the kind argument on (⊥)
is elided.
Quantifiers that bind names are desugared to an application of the associated type constructor and a type abstraction. Representing the different quantifiers as constructors allows us to retain a single binding form for types.
Exp (e)
::= DaCon (data constructor)
| Var (variable)
| 'λ' Var ':' Type '.' Exp (term abstraction)
| Exp Exp (term application)
| 'Λ' Var ':' Type '.' Exp (type abstraction)
| Exp Type (type application)
| 'let' Bind 'in' Exp (let binding)
| 'letrec' BindT+ 'in' Exp (recursive let binding)
| 'case' Exp 'of' Alt+ (case matching)
| 'private' Var 'with' Sig+ 'in' Exp (region introduction)
| 'extend' Var
'using' Var 'with' Sig+ 'in' Exp (region extension)
| 'weakeff' Type 'in' Exp (effect weakening)
| 'box' Exp (box a computation)
| 'run' Exp (run a suspension)
DaCon ::= '()' (builtin unit data constructor)
| Con (named data constructor)
Bind ::= Var '=' Exp (binding)
BindT ::= Var ':' Type '=' Exp (typed binding)
Sig ::= Var ':' Type (type signature)
Alt ::= Pat '→' Exp (case alternative)
Pat ::= _ | DaCon Sig+ (case pattern)
The syntax of constructors and variables, term abstraction and application, type abstraction and application, case-matching and let-binding is standard.
The private
construct introduces a new region variable along with capabilities of the given signatures. Both the region variable and names of the capabilities are in scope in the body expression.